Many people dream of having perfect skin to some extent. Few things are more appealing to a person that a smooth, plump and glowing exterior.
This is why a lot of us feel disheartened when dark spots, redness and general unevenness make an appearance. When confronted with such aesthetically displeasing complexion problems, immediate action becomes necessary.
Finding out more about natural skin tone corrector alternatives can help you keep this issue under control.
Asking your dermatologist for help is also an option. But before you do so, here are a few essential things that you need to know about the causes of patchy skin, as well as some effective remedy ideas.
Depending on how the epidermis reacts to external factors, the resulting unevenness falls into one of two categories: hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.
In the case of the former, darkened areas appear, while the latter consists of ones lighter than your natural skin tone. Here’s a more detailed analysis of both of them.
According to L’Oréal Paris, prolonged sun exposure is the number one cause behind uneven skin. This is a case of hyperpigmentation that leaves dark patches on the surface.
Depending on your skin color and how much time you’ve spent out in the sun without any UV protection, the actual development and appearance of this issue will vary.
This happens due to an increase in melanin, a pigment whose imbalance can also be affected by various medication, pregnancy or some unrelated diseases.
One of the most common afflictions to develop due to it is melasma, which is something many women that are with child have to deal with at a certain point during those nine months.
At the other end of the spectrum, there’s hypopigmentation.
This is characterized by a de-pigmentation of the skin caused by pimples, scrapes, blisters or chickenpox, as well as improper beauty treatments such as peels of the chemical or laser persuasion.
Genetic disorders like vitiligo and albinism are also a cause, albeit one that’s much more rarely encountered.
Other Causes
Nevertheless, internal causes can lie behind uneven complexion as well. For example, rosacea is a common condition also known as skin redness that occurs when the blood vessels beneath become overly stimulated and inflamed.
Acne, pimples, blackheads, and blemishes also give a blotchy appearance to the skin, and the causes behind them lie in natural bodily processes.
All in all, at this point it’s safe to assume that there are plenty of reasons why our skin tends to become uneven.
While some are temporary, others will be there to stay if you give them the chance to develop in the first place. Due to this, it’s essential that you practice self-care every step of the way.
It’s no secret that foundation and concealer are an easy and quick fix to smooth out the complexion and make everything look less patchy.
However, if you want durable results, you’ll have to do a lot more than that. Here are three effective remedies to help even your skin out and give it a healthier appearance.
1. Always Wear Sunscreen
Because UV damage is one of the most common causes of hyperpigmentation, wearing sunscreen is essential to prevent it and avoid worsening any already-present dark patches.
At this point, it’s also important to note that even shorter periods of exposure can lead to a melasma flare-up.
According to dermatologist Jennifer Linder, M.D., everyone should remember to put UV protection on even if they plan to be outside for half an hour or less.
This creates a barrier between our skin and any external factors that might harm it. Sometimes, prevention is the best remedy we have, and this is one of those cases.
2. Apply Topical Treatments
Even people who religiously apply their sunscreen and upkeep a complex beauty regimen deal with unevenness sometimes. If it’s not hyperpigmentation, it’s redness or a stubborn blemish that just won’t go away.
In such situations, localized treatments are the best allies we have. All we have to do is take a close look at the ingredient list.
There are certain extracts and substances which are present in brand-name skincare that help with hyperpigmentation and overall splotchy, sallow skin.
These are vitamin C, licorice, niacinamide, arbutin, and resveratrol. And if natural remedies are what you’re after, there’s nothing better than lemon juice to get the job done.
Of course, making an appointment at the dermatologist’s and trying out various prescription-grade treatments is also a viable alternative.
Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor will be able to recommend various medicines, as well as topical procedures such as peels, laser therapy, and others. Ensure that you go to someone you trust so that you won’t regret it later.
3. Practice Appropriate Nutrition
Lifestyle changes play an important role in evening out the complexion. Achieving proper hydration level is a big part of that, and it needs to happen both from the inside and the outside alike.
First, drink plenty of water and other refreshing beverages daily. Between two to four liters is the ideal amount, depending on your age, weight, and gender.
Using a high-quality moisturizer on the skin is also essential. Apply it every day, and use different kinds for the face, hands, feet, chest and so on, if possible.
The beauty and skincare industry, fortunately, offers options in this category to fit everyone’s budget, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding your perfect creams and lotions.
A sustainable and healthy diet is the other relevant aspect. You need to become more mindful of what you eat by avoiding non-organic foods that have been treated with hormones and antibiotics, as well as greasy and processed junk food.
Furthermore, remember that alcohol also damages your complexion, and so does sugar.
There are many factors that lead to hyperpigmentation, redness and overall imbalance.
While protecting yourself against all of them might be difficult, it’s still important to do as much as you can to ensure that your complexion stays fresh and youthful for as long as possible.
Keep in mind that prevention is the best medicine and act accordingly.