Derma Roller 1.0: Complete Reviews Guide

derma roller 1.0

You’ve decided to take that next step and work towards improving the quality of your skin.

You’ve made a wise decision by choosing to use a derma roller and are joining many others who’ve already learned how powerful this little tool can be.

To get you started, I’m going to help you find the very best derma roller 1.0 on the market today.

Follow my simple guide and your skin will be radiant and healthy in no time.

Basics of Derma Rolling

Derma rollers work by manually rolling tiny needles over the surface of the skin to create small holes or wounds.

The body then kicks into gear and sends a boost of collagen and other important properties to the skin to repair it. The result is a brighter, more even complexion.

Derma rollers are being used to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, dark bags and circles, scars, stretch marks, and even cellulite of the skin.

There are a variety of different sized needles you can choose from to get the job done.

In this article, we’re specifically looking at the derma roller 1.0 mm and what it means for you.

What is the Derma Roller 1.0 Good For?

The 1.0 mm size is ideal for any skin condition and is used mainly on the face, although many find benefits from using it on the body skin as well.

This size is going to cause more collagen growth than the 0.5 and 0.25 mm versions.

You’ll want to use this side to reverse skin damage from the sun, remove wrinkles, reduce acne scars, improve an uneven skin tone, reduce open pores, and improve the absorption of skincare products.

YMR Facial Massage

YMR KT540 Titanium Head Micro Facial Derma Roller

Rated one of the best beauty tools, this 1.0 mm derma roller is ideal for scar removal, wrinkle removal, whitening, skin rejuvenation and skin lifting.

This is a more advanced size and great for a derma rolling expert.

The pins are made of titanium for maximum life.

It can be used with serums for an even greater effect. If you’re battling a larger area of scars or even stretch marks, this is the best dermal roller for your needs.

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  • This is the perfect size for working on facial skin.
  • This model is made from titanium needles which are the highest quality you can get. They won’t be prone to breaking or bending.
  • The Koi Beauty derma roller comes complete with a case so you can keep it clean and sterile.
  • It’s relatively inexpensive.
  • It can be used in conjunction with serums to maximize the benefits.


You shouldn’t start off with a derma roller 1.0 mm as your first model.

You’d want to try a 0.75 mm version first.

Things You’ll Want to Know Before Starting Rolling

If you’ve never used a 1.0 mm version before, there are some things you’ll want to know.

The sensation of the derma roller on your skin with 1.0 mm needles can actually be fairly painful.

You can use a numbing cream on your face and neck prior to use to reduce the irritation.

If you prefer to skip the numbing cream, feel free to use some ice cubes in a towel on the treated area prior to use.

This will help your skin to be less sensitive and then the job can be performed without much discomfort.

Keep in mind that your derma roller does actually cause slight damage to your skin initially.

It’s actually perfectly normal to experience some bleeding and even dryness of the skin during and after treatment.

Giving it time to heal is imperative for the best long-term outcome. If you use your derma roller too often, you can actually damage the collagen you’re working so hard to build.

Initially, after rolling, your skin is going to look improved immediately. This is due to the micro swelling that is occurring.

Attempting to continue rolling to achieve these results all the time will result in inflammation that will damage the progress you are making.

It’s recommended that you wait a full month in between sessions with this size derma roller before using it again.

I know that it can be hard to wait when you see something good happening, but patience is crucial in this process.

To see best results, you’ll want to keep rolling for at least 2-3 months.

More Than Just Your Face

Don’t forget that derma rolling is good for more than just the skin on your face.

 Skin is all over the body and I’m sure there are areas you wish looked healthier. Use the derma roller on your stretch marks, scars, and even cellulite.

Remember to also include your neck in your skincare routine. Too often, that part of the body can be overlooked and the derma roller actually works wonders for tightening up that skin that so often gets a little droopy.

Keeping Your Derma Roller Clean

If you want to see the most dramatic results to your skin, then keeping your derma roller clean is a must.

The last thing you want is a skin infection from not cleaning your equipment properly.

Once you’ve finished rolling your skin, pour 75% alcohol into the storage unit or a plastic cup. Cover the entire roller head in alcohol. Let the roller sit for some time and then remove it to rinse thoroughly under hot, running water.

Make sure that you keep it out until it’s dry, and then you can simply place it back into the container you use for storage.

Taking these steps is crucial to maintaining the cleanliness of your unit and prolonging its life.

They’re not meant to be used forever, so be sure to replace yours on a regular basis.


Now that you’ve found the best derma roller 1.0 that’s available, you can get to work improving your skin tone and quality.

Follow the instructions carefully for best results and get ready to show off that beautiful skin.

If you need tips and tricks for how to use your new derma roller, be sure you check out this informative YouTube video. 

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