Subtle Tan: Best Tanning Lotion For Fair Skin

best tanning lotion for fair skin

Spending time outdoors in the sun or at the tanning bed is something that many people enjoy.

If you have a fair complexion, however, burning that precious skin is probably a constant worry as you think about the pain that could be caused.

And it’s not just the pain in the moment. The long term effects on your skin can be marked if you don’t use sun beds safely and responsibly. 

That’s why, when using a tanning bed, you want to use the very best tanning lotion for fair skin.

While there are many lotions on the market, you’re going to want the highest-quality product to address your unique needs.

Read on for my complete review to find out the exact product you need.

Why A Dedicated Lotion For Fair Skin?

Before heading outdoors during the summertime, it can be beneficial for someone with fair skin to get a base tan by using a tanning bed. 

Not only will it become easier for you to achieve a darker tan, but it’ll also protect against unnecessary sunburn.

Once you’ve achieved a beginner tan, being outdoors will no longer seem so daunting.

Another concern that many people with fair skin worry about is turning orange during tanning sessions.

While the tanning bed itself won’t cause this, it’s possible when using the wrong lotions or using too many bronzers.

Applying a dedicated lotion for the beginner or for fair skin is your safest bet to avoid looking like an Oompa Loompa.

SunGodZ Apollo/Artemis 375X Bronzer Tanning Lotion 

SunGodZ ApolloArtemis 375X Bronzer Tanning Lotion with Argan, Coconut Oil, and Agave

When looking for the best tanning lotion for fair skin, you’ll have to grab the SunGodZ Apollo/Artemis tanning lotion because it’s ideal for beginner skin.

Not only does it provide superior shower proof technology so the moisturizer doesn’t wash away, but it’s one of the highest quality silicone tanning lotions with a bronzer available.

The argan and coconut oil infused with agave make it the ultimate in moisture.

If you have tattoos, this lotion is guaranteed to be safe and will never fade your artwork.

They’re also confident that this lotion will never turn your skin orange. In addition, there’s an amazing scent with this lotion; perfect for men and women.

The company also offers a money back guarantee which means they stand by the product.

Check The Best Price Here


  • Great for beginner and fair skin
  • Shower-proof technology
  • High-quality moisturizers
  • Tattoo Safe
  • Fantastic unisex fragrance


The price tag is a little high, but it comes with a money back guarantee.


When you follow my guide for the best tanning lotion for fair skin, you’ll be seeing a glowing tan in just a short time.

Take your time, use the best products and follow all recommended guidelines.

 Then, you’ll achieve your desired skin tone easily and in a manner that will protect your health.

Are you interesting in learning how to get the best tan?

Make sure you check out this YouTube video for some practical help.

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