Using mouthwash has become more and more common in recent times. Many people use mouthwash before or after brushing their teeth. It helps to keep the mouth clean and to get rid of the problem of bad breath temporarily.
Some mouthwashes also contain fluoride which also helps to make your teeth clean and white. Because of all these reasons, people use mouthwash.
You’ll find different types of mouthwash available on the market, so there will always be a product that’s perfect for you. But when you’re using one, a question may occur to you- is it good to use mouthwash every day?
Well, this is a common question that comes to the minds of most of the regular mouthwash users. Let’s have a close look at the answer.
Using Mouthwash Every Day:Good or Bad?
You all know that using mouthwash has really a good impact on your mouth. I’ve already briefly explained why. Besides just keeping your mouth fresh, mouthwash keeps it healthy too.
It reaches the corners where a brush can’t reach. Reaching those areas, mouthwash kills the bacteria living in your mouth and causing problems.
Mouthwash also helps you to reduce tooth decay, control plaque and slow down the growth of tarter.
So, you can see that using mouthwash is very important. The question is, how important is using mouthwash every day?
Research hasn’t revealed any downsides to using mouthwash. If some minor problems occur after using mouthwash, most of those are due to any pre-existing mouth problems. So, it can be said that mouthwash doesn’t have a bad impact.
As a result, you can use mouthwash once every day. Some people even use it twice every day. To be on the safe side, using mouthwash once every day is a good idea.
However, you need to use mouthwash properly to get the best results. Using it properly will reduce the risk of any problems related to mouthwash.
Mouthwash is a chemical solution. Improper use of it can create problems.
If you use too much mouthwash or keep it for a longer time than recommended, it may affect the soft tissue inside your mouth, which means you need to be careful.
This mostly happens in case of mouthwash that contains alcohol. If you experience any issues, you can switch to a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol.
If you follow all the instructions, using mouthwash every day won’t be a bad thing at all. You can use it every day before or after brushing your teeth.
If you use floss on your teeth every day, I recommend using mouthwash after floss. It will make your mouth feel refreshed.
Flossing takes out food particles and things that cause a bad smell in our mouth. Just using water to wash mouth after flossing may mean this bad smell hangs around.
In this case, mouthwash can make your mouth and breath fresh. If you use both floss and mouthwash both, I always recommend flossing first, then rinsing with mouthwash, not the other way around.
How to Use Mouthwash Properly?
To use mouthwash properly, first pour the exact amount recommended into a small cup.
Most of the time, a small measuring cup comes with the mouthwash.
Don’t use more than the suggested amount. After that, pour all the mouthwash in the cup into your mouth.
Start swishing inside your mouth and continue for as long as the instructions state. After swishing it, split all the mouthwash in your mouth out. Don’t swallow it. Swallowing it may cause problems in your stomach.
After using mouthwash, abstain from swishing water in your mouth, eating, drinking or smoking for 25-30 minutes to get the best results. This is the best way to use mouthwash.
What Type of Mouthwash Should You Use?
Most of the time it’s thought that all the mouthwashes are the same, but that’s not the case. For different types of problems, different types of mouthwashes are invented and made available on market.
For example, you should be aware that a lot of mouthwashes contain alcohol. Some people are allergic to alcohol If alcohol isn’t a problem for you, you may use a mouthwash that contains alcohol, but don’t swallow it. It’s alcohol-containing mouthwash, not alcohol.
Normally, alcohol-containing mouthwash makes the mouth dry. If your problem is halitosis, you shouldn’t use it.
Antibacterial mouthwash works better to fight against halitosis. This is harsher in the fight against the bacteria in your mouth those cause bad breath.
If halitosis or bad breath is not your problem, but you want to have a fresher breath than original, you need to use mouthwash that offers the opportunity to freshen your breath.
These types of mouthwash contain chlorine or zinc. The ingredients present in this type of mouthwash work to neutralize odors.
Cavities develop in your teeth because of the lack of fluoride in your mouth. This is really a problem for your teeth. To get rid of this problem, you need to use a mouthwash that contains fluoride. It must be used after brushing and flossing. Otherwise, brushing and flossing may wash away the fluoride that you get from the mouthwash.
Final Verdict
It’s clear that using mouthwash every day, if done properly, doesn’t have any bad impacts on your health. So, you can use mouthwash once every day without any worries, but you need to make sure that you’re using it according to the proper guidelines provided by the manufacturer.