How To Deal With Anxiety During Addiction Recovery

alcohol addiction

The present trend of the pandemic has led to many sorrows and losses. The start of the new year was the news of a recent mutation in the coronavirus for many. 

Sad thing, right?

It led to a vast scale unemployment wave and led to more economic pressure, and the same was visible in the number of lives lost in thousands. It increased the mental strain in many individuals, which ultimately affected their bodies. The Congressional Budget Office estimated an increase of 10% in unemployment rates in months.

The process of coping with losses and problems is quite a tedious one. Many individuals struggle with it. It was also true before the wide-scale pandemic. Research by the Addiction center, like the baton rouge detox center,  more than 21 million Americans fall prey to addiction. 

The numbers are from the United States of America, and similar figures come from other countries globally. The specialists claim that the reason lies in coping with problems. Some stay firm and some seek for alternatives to relax. Addiction connects with alcohol, but it is not always true. 

It can be an addiction to an imbalanced diet, among many. Several suffer from an addiction to sleep, which hinders any physical activity.

Now, addiction to alcoholic and Marijuana-based products has become common. Research by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that more than 75% of alcohol users complain of developing an addiction. The study comes from the adults of the United States of America. 

The symptoms are many, and anxiety during the withdrawal routine is one. Here in this blog, we will discuss the many effects of the withdrawal procedure and counter them. We will also highlight the increasing anxiety levels during the withdrawal process.

alcohol addiction

Types of Addiction

As iterated earlier, addiction can be of many types. It can be with a specific food, beverages, or even habits. Here in this blog, we will only focus on the addiction from alcoholic and drug-based products. 

Alcohol addiction is a common theme in working adults of many countries. Young adults often fall prey to narcotic substances and develop an addiction. Substances like Kratom, Delta-based products are often the cause for many addiction problems. They all have Tetrahydrocannabinol inside them, which induces instant dizziness. 

Nicotine serves as an enzyme that promotes addiction in the consumer. Addiction from alcoholic and narcotic substances results in the most severe complications. The enzymes in them affect your neural receptors and cause physical strain. 

The consumer is often too late to realize the same and goes into the spiral of addiction. It has health disadvantages and the same in economic terms. 

To recover from addiction, the path is difficult. The patient has to start a recovery procedure which can take a lot of time. The situation of the patient also degrades at the start of recovery. Several symptoms come up during the beginning of the recovery process. 

Now, we will highlight some of the substances which occur during the recovery process.

pills line up

Symptoms in Recovery from Addiction

Alcohol and Narcotic substances are notoriously famous for causing severe symptoms. They can include dizziness, headache, dry mouth, fever, and weakness. These are some of the light symptoms which can happen quickly during recovery. 

Many patients also complain of flu-like symptoms regularly. The worst symptoms are increasing anxiety levels. The patients also suffer from muscle cramps and often cannot sleep. One can have trouble sleeping during the addiction recovery, and nausea can complement it. 

The worst-case scenario is the combination of these symptoms, which can increase the gloom. The more you stay away from the addictive substance, the more they get.

Where to Seek Help?

The governments of several countries often open help and rehab centers. The patients suffering from addiction can seek recovery there. The network includes social help groups, intensive care, and treatments. Addiction patients entering these centers reached an all-time high in the previous decade. 

It is due to the large-scale adulteration of narcotic substances in the present times. There are hundreds of Rehab centers around the United States of America under government regulations. There are also non-government organizations that help in the cause. These rehab centers are the perfect place to seek help.

The increase in anxiety levels is a concern for many during their recovery process. There are several ways to cope with the same, like the following:


Exercise is the best reset to your body. It serves as an excellent way to burn some energy and relax. A regular exercise schedule should include a mix of light and heavy body workouts. In rehab centers, the day of patients revolves around exercises. 

They help the body recover from the mental strain, decreasing anxiety levels. A patient should get exercises at regular intervals to help them ease the mental strain. Consulting your doctor for the exercise schedule is the best move.

Healthy Diet

Diet during every recovery is vital. It should have enough content of vitamins, nutrients, and fibers. They help the patient to relax and recover mental strength. It will also help them recover from muscle pain and cramps in their body. 

A balanced and healthy diet will get rid of any anxious thoughts. It will promote regular sleeping cycles, which further decrease the stress. Rehab centers have a plan for every patient and complement it with intensive care.

Doing your Favorite Hobby

Hobbies serve as the perfect way to shut off from the world. They serve as an immense relief for the patient in the middle of any treatment. Several patients like to have time for their favorite hobby in their daily schedule, and it helps them cope with the problems in their lives and the recovery process. 

It can be playing board games, outdoor games, video games, online games, reading, and many more. The best way is to have your own space for some time before going back to the strict schedule of medicines. 

The best way to cope with increasing anxiety is often communicating with your family and loved ones. They can hear your thoughts and often give you the best way to get out of a tricky situation. The incoming rehab centers are concerning, and several blame the lack of communication.


The path to recovery from addiction to emotional wellbeing is full of obstacles. The worst fear is going back to the substance after an anxiety attack. Rehab centers and families of the patients serve best here. The best way is to have a good blend of exercise and food in your schedule. 

The awareness regarding addiction is increasing every day. More and more people seek shelters or rehab centers, which is a positive sign of awareness. The best way is to take it slow and let the experts help you in your steps.

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