How CBD Cigarettes Contribute to Your Fast-Paced Lifestyle?

hemp cigarette

CBD Cigarettes are an innovative and exciting way to get your daily dose of CBD. When it comes to the convenience of smoking, you can smoke it anywhere without any restrictions. You can also leverage all the benefits of CBD with no THC or other psychoactive substances in these cigarettes.

hemp cigarette


In this article, let us see some of the benefits of using CBD cigarettes and CBD vape in place of tobacco. Read more to find out!

What Are CBD Cigarettes? 

CBD cigarettes are perfect for those who want to take their health into their own hands but do not have time for anything else. They come in different flavors – Original Tobacco or Menthol – so there is something for everyone. Plus, it contains only natural ingredients that will not harm your body as traditional tobacco products would.

Cannabidiol is growing in popularity, and it is certainly different from its counterparts. Sunday Scaries CBD products are primarily known for their pain-relieving properties and anti-inflammatory elements. From candies to tinctures, CBD is everywhere.

That is where CBD cigarettes made from hemp come in with their long-term relief for ailments in your body. 

Smoking CBD Cigarettes Is A Harmless Hobby

The main reasons that people smoke cigarettes are to find relief from stress, depression, and anxiety.  Compared to other methods, smoking plain jane CBD produces faster effects. It gives a relaxing feeling to consumers, which you would otherwise get in a prolonged manner. 

cbd cigarette

Smoking is also a distraction for those who have difficulty concentrating on other things besides their addiction. Some may simply be looking for something fun to do with friends or family members, while others use it as an excuse to interact and socialize when they do not want to engage in meaningful conversations. 

Regardless of the reason, smoking CBD cigarettes is much more of a mindful practice than tobacco ones. So, it is straightforward to see why people prefer it more compared to nicotine.

CBD cigarettes are a great alternative to quit your smoking habit, which contains tobacco. Hemp cigarettes, on the other hand, deliver a high level of CBD directly to your lungs.

  • It is a hemp flower roll
  • It is free of additives, nicotine, and tobacco.
  • After the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD cigarettes are federally legal in the US
  • It is delivered through a discreet delivery method
  • Hemp cigarettes are rich in ingredients like CBD, CBG, terpenes, pinene, myrcene, and CBC.
  • Hemp cigarettes are more effective than any other form of CBD

What Are The Benefits Of CBD Cigarettes?

Many people are looking for the best way to quit smoking cigarettes. There are several reasons why CBD might be the perfect solution.

First, it is essential to know that there is no nicotine in CBD cigarettes. That means you cannot get hooked on them like tobacco products because they do not have any addictive chemicals driving your need for more cigarettes. 

Moreover, since they contain only trace amounts of THC (less than .03%), these will not make you high either – which might also appeal if you are not fond of feeling out-of-control or experiencing mood swings from ingesting marijuana-based products. 

Additionally, CBD cigarettes as an adequate nicotine substitute offer a natural NRT alternative. It works much better than nicotine patches, gum, or any other medications.

Also, it looks and feels like traditional cigarettes with cellophane wrapped around the packs. Overall, it is taking the market by storm. 

Do CBD Cigarettes Get You High, Or Does It Contain Nicotine?

No, hemp cigarettes will not get you high as the way weed does. That is because it lacks a psychoactive component which is also called THC. 

Hemp cigarettes usually do not contain any nicotine unless it is mentioned on the package. So, consumers do not need to worry about consuming highly addictive properties. Although everything is safe, you are more likely to inhale burnt plant matter, which does pose a risk of carcinogens.

CBD Vape Pens And Vaporizers Compared To Smoking

There are many similarities between CBD vape pens and vaporizers compared to smoking. These products make a “healthier” alternative for those trying to quit cigarettes or tobacco. Here are some of the significant differences:

Vaporizing provides more benefits than just getting your nicotine fix because it leaves out all toxic chemicals in traditional smoke; this includes tar, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and other carcinogens. It also means there is no odor! Vaping will not leave any lingering smells on you as an ashtray would.

The most apparent difference between vaping vs. smoking cannabis is whether people want the head high or body high associated with marijuana.

How Do CBD Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes?

CBD cigarettes as a healthy lifestyle choice are resonating every year. Here are some advantages you get while incorporating it as a lifestyle choice.

  1. It neutralizes smoking cues
  2. You get to relax without feeling addictive
  3. Reduces your nicotine cravings
  4. It serves as an excellent tobacco alternative

When finding the best hemp cigarettes, it is essential to trust the brand. Only purchase from the company, which includes COAs for verifying the contents. Also, it will be helpful if you read product reviews on community forums. It helps you understand which brand offers premium products when it comes to purity and potency factors.

Since they are federally legal, it is available online. Nowadays, it is found in local smoke shops and grocers as well. Overall, make sure to conduct a good product review before making your initial purchase decision.


CBD cigarettes as a lifestyle choice offer many advantages and significantly differ from other methods of CBD consumption. It can help regulate your sleep, appetite, anxiety, depression, carvings, mood, and many more. 

Research also shows that CBD cigarettes are a great product to fight against addiction and desperately want to quit smoking tobacco. You will love the smell of these cigarettes as they are so much cleaner than the nicotine ones. Overall, you will notice the subtle tinge of calmness, and being an ex-smoker, I highly recommend you to try it and share your experience.

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