Reduce Noise! Find The Best Noise Cancelling Ear Plugs

noise cancelling ear plugs

Should you get noise reduction earplugs?

Our extensive review guide showcases the best noise cancelling ear plugs available on the market.

Although age is the most common cause of hearing loss in adults, exposure to loud noises, especially at work, can also be a major contributing factor. 

Loud noises not only disturb times of peace and quiet, they can, in some circumstances, cause hearing loss.

So what’s the most effective way to help quiet the world around you?

The answer is to use a pair of noise cancelling ear plugs.

Surprisingly, you don’t have to be a construction worker, or the lead singer of a rock band to benefit from a pair of earplugs.

No matter if you have a hobby that requires the use of loud power tools, or simply want that extra peaceful night’s sleep, there are many different earplugs that can be right for you.

Etymotic Research ER20 ETYPlug Hearing Protection Earplugs

If you want to reduce noise, but still be able to hear the world around you with detail and clarity, Etymotic Research Hearing Protection Ear plugs are a very popular pair of noise reduction ear plugs.

These ear plugs can help reduce the risk of hearing damage while still allowing you to enjoy events such as a concert, athletic event, or motorsport event.

The design of the ETYPlug reduces sound approximately 20 decibels, and keeps sound quality like it would be without ear plugs.

Although these particular ear plugs aren’t recommended for shooting sports or sleep aids, they can be effective in reducing possible damage to your hearing.

Available in a variety of sizes and colours, your purchase includes a carrying case and a removable neck cord.

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Ear Pro By Surefire 4 Sonic Defender Ear Plugs

A more versatile option is the Ear Pro By Surefire 4 Sonic Defender Ear Plugs.

These ear plugs have a low profile design which allows them to be comfortably worn under a helmet, mask, or headset.

These ear plugs also offer dual protection with noise-reducing stoppers.

When these attached stoppers are inserted they can reduce potentially dangerous noise levels that are over 85 decibels.

When the stoppers are removed, the wearer can hear safe sound levels as if they weren’t wearing ear plugs.

Made from medical-grade, hypoallergenic polymer, these ear plugs are durable, comfortable, and long lasting.

They also come in several different sizes, three different colours, and are easy to clean.

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​Mack’s Ear Care Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs

If you prefer a more simple option for noise cancelling ear plugs, then Mack’s Ear Care Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs may be perfect for you.

These particular ear plugs are made from low-pressure foam. They’re very popular among people who want to get a better night’s sleep.

In addition, these ear plugs are comfortable, and easily inserted into the ear.

With a high noise reduction rating at 32 decibels, these ear plugs can help you tune out the sound of your partner snoring, or a noisy neighbor.

Mack’s Ear Care Earplugs are also a good bargain. Each purchase comes with 50 pairs of ear plugs.

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Decibullz Custom Molded Earplugs

Decibullz Custom Molded Earplugs

For a more customizable and personal option, Decibullz offers the first fully re-moldable custom ear plug.

Rated at 31 decibels, these are the best noise cancelling ear plugs for a variety of activities.

The thermoplastic molds can be heated in boiling water, allowed to cool, and can then be shaped to your ears.

This creates a perfect ear plug that’s great for everything from shooting sports and concerts, to a restful night’s sleep.

If for any reason the Decibullz Earplugs don’t fit your ear correctly, they can be reheated and remolded.

In addition, these ear plugs are available in 5 different colours. They come with three different size tips so they fit any ear size.

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DUBS Acoustic Filters Advanced Tech Earplugs

DUBS Acoustic Filters Advanced Tech Earplugs

Another great option for noise reduction ear plugs is DUBS Acoustic Filters Advanced Tech Earplugs.

Designed to provide an average of 12 decibels of noise reduction, these ear plugs are great for noise heavy environments.

Although these aren’t the ideal ear plugs for areas like shooting ranges, they are, however, perfect for music based activities.

Concerts, sporting events, and festivals can be enjoyed by allowing you to still hear music, but keeping the volume at much safer levels.

DUBS are also designed to be comfortable and sleek. They come with a handy carrying case.

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More and more hearing loss, due to dangerously loud environments, is affecting more people every day.

However, you can still enjoy many of your favorite activities while protecting your valuable hearing.

A comfortable, well-fitting, effective pair of ear plugs can allow you to protect yourself while you work or play.

No matter if you enjoy exciting rock concerts, or want to get that little bit of extra peace and quiet, there’s a pair of noise cancelling earplugs for you.

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